DH Unbound 2022: Queer Writing 3.0

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DH Unbound 2022: Queer Writing 3.0

J’aurais le très grand plaisir d’intervenir une seconde fois dans le cadre de la conférence virtuelle DH Unbound 2022, organisée par the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) et la Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN). Cette conférence se tiendra en ligne du 17 au 19 mai 2022. 

Cette seconde intervention s’intitulera :

Queer Writing 3.0.


The accessibility of digital creative writing tools has allowed the democratization of the auctorial gesture. The LGBT+ communities have taken up the issue, allowing the diffusion of positive and diverse representations of people.

The importance of platforms such as fanfiction.com, Webtoon-Naver or itch.io in the queer representation and in the diffusion of information and support is one of the stakes of the digital literature, which allows the structuring and the creation of communities.

To approach digital fictions inevitably leads to approach the evolutions of the protagonists. The possibility for each individual to speak and to inscribe his or her reality in works that can be easily disseminated has allowed an evolution of these figures.

In this ligthning talk, I want to present briefly how the multiplicity of literary forms – from network literature to notifictions and visual novels – allows for a diversity of representations, and how the diversity of the reading gestures used influence the immersion in the reality of the other.

To do so, I will call upon a large corpus of works, relying on the Répertoire des Écritures Numériques. The use of the common vocabulary built for this research project will allow a highlighting of the characteristics of the works.

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